About Us

Zack Miller

Unsolicited began many moons ago as the brainchild of me, Zack Miller. I’m not only a voracious film watcher and amateur critic, but I studied the noble art of screenwriting at the prestigious New York Film Academy for three years. This, of course, makes me an expert in the field who is never wrong about anything… ever! Unsolicited is based out of Burbank, California: the beating heart of the world film industry, and I try to keep two fingers firmly on the pulse of all things Hollywood. Armed with nothing but a love for movies, a keyboard, and an AMC Stubs A-List membership card, I humbly embark on an epic quest to bring quality content to the film review arena: an arena that has, quite frankly, grown stale and repetitive over the years. I’m not here to please anyone or kiss anyone’s ass. Each critique I write is my own honest, completely subjective opinion. Take it, leave it, spar with me in the comments section, or challenge me to a duel on the mean streets of Hollywood Boulevard!

I invite anyone to follow me on this harrowing journey as I cover every major release the industry has to offer. Whether it’s an all-time classic or the drizzling hangover shits, I’m here to help anyone who shares my passion for movies navigate these treacherous waters and find the films worth watching. Unsolicited is not the be-all and end-all. It’s a scrappy upstart and a fresh voice in a realm of sites that take themselves way too seriously. Movies are entertainment, so let’s have some fucking fun!

Martin Cooke

Like Zack, I also studied at the New York Film Academy (LA Campus) in Burbank. But the call of the homeland brought me back, and I’m now back home in Canada, living it up in the Hollywood North that is Toronto. Although I’ve also heard Vancouver called “Hollywood North”. We really need to start coming up with better nicknames for cities with thriving film industries than just calling them some derivative of “Hollywood”. Sadly, we don’t have AMC A-List in Canada, so I’m back to paying for each of my movies like a sucker.

My path to the world of cinema was a bit more circuitous. Even though I’ve always loved movies and writing, I took a 13-year detour working as a diplomat with the Canadian Foreign Service before realizing that time is short and I really did need to follow my passion. 

I’d certainly love to hear from anyone who agrees with any of my brilliant takes on film. But if you just want to write to tell me that I’m a fucking moron and should go to hell, I won’t get offended either. Debate and argument is always welcome.